
@objc public enum AccessoryButtonStyle: Int

Appearance style of accessoryView(a button) of DownloadTrackerCell in DownloadListController. If you want your custom UITableViewCell is compatible with this enum type, look property cellAccessoryButtonStyle of DownloadListController.

case icon: Accessory button in the cell shows a predefined icon which bind to task state.

case title: Accessory button in the cell shows a predefined title which bind to task state.

case none: Hidden accessory button in the cell.

case custom: Accessory button has no title or image to be visible and touching won’t happen anything in this style. You could configure button in DownloadListController init method, and its closure accessoryButtonTouchHandler. It’s up to you.

  • Button in the cell shows a predefined icon which bind to task state.



    case icon = 0
  • Button in the cell shows a predefined title which bind to task state.



    case title
  • Hidden accessory button in the cell.



    case none
  • Accessory button has no title or image to be visible and touching won’t happen anything in this style. You could configure button in DownloadListController init method, and its closure accessoryButtonTouchHandler. It’s up to you.



    case custom